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Collection of Clinical Observations and Studies of the Materia Medica, Part II.
by Gottlieb Heinrich Georg Jahr
Published in The American Homoeopathic Review v.1 1859 (1859)


By Dr. G. H. G. Jahr.

(Translated from the Journal de la Societe Gallicane,)

By E. E. Marcy, M. D., New York.

MENINGITIS. — 13. In a young girl ten years old. Heat and redness of the whole body, especially of the head and eyes; pupils contracted, complete loss of consciousness, furious delirium, dry tongue, vomiting of greenish matter, twitching of the tendons, accelerated respiration, pulse suppressed, and from 120 to 130 in the minute. At the end of six hours, after Aconite 18th, (one drop in six spoonsfull of water, of which tea-spoonfull doses were given every half hour) consciousness returned and the fever and vomiting disappeared. The remaining symptoms were cured with Bryonia. — Gastfreund, Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig; vol. XXIV, page 114.

14. A woman thirty-two years old, who had suffered frequently from headache, was taken suddenly with all the symptoms of an imminent encephalitis. She walked her chamber as if in despair, complaining of a pain in her forehead as if everything would burst out of it. Head burning hot to the touch; nausea, tongue covered with a white fur, pain in the kidnies; no stools for two days; pulse and temperature of the skin natural. After a drop of Aconite 6th, she lay down overcome with pain, slept until morning, and woke up cured. — Kreussler Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig, vol. XXIX, page 113.

15. A little boy five years old, was taken with the ordinary symptoms of encephalitis, among which the most striking were the following: partial convulsions of the extremities, alternating with trembling of these parts; on raising his head, immediate vomiting of undigested food or of mucus substances; he wakes up with a start and delirious, or with pain in both sides of his head; skin dry and hot; much thirst; pulse hard, full, accelerated. A cure was effected in three days by Aconite 30th, disolved in water, a tea-spoonful at first every hour and then every two hours. — Weber Archives de Stapf vol. XVI, sheet 2, page 4.

16. A young girl fourteen years old, suffered twenty-four hours with the following symptoms: on raising her head, vertigo and vomiting, continual pain in the forehead; delerium, somnolency, waking with a cry, fixed look; face sometimes pale, sometimes red; skin hot and dry; absence of stools; frequent thirst. A complete cure was effected in three days by fourteen doses of Aconite 30th, with the single exception of the stools. — Weber, loco cit.

17. A young girl nine years old, attacked with encephalitis against which Belladonna was inefficacious; presented, thirty one hours after the use of this medicine, the following symptoms; loss of consciousness, continual movement of the lower jaw as in mastication; the child talked to herself in an unintelligible manner; pupils contracted; expression uncertain and indifferent; face moderately red; skin moist; pulse full, a little hard and accelerated. Sleep, tranquil at the end of five hours after having taken one drop of Aconite 3d every hour; then after a sleep of four hours, she awoke with consciousness, and by the third day all the morbid phenomena had disappeared. — Noack, Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig vol. XXVI, page 81

18. Symptoms which are particularly indicators: signs of irritation before the period of exudation: vomiting of greenish or mucus substances; vomiting of drinks; pain in the head as if every thing would burst out from its sides or the forehead; agitation or furious delirium; pulse frequent, full, hard, and accelerated.

HEADACHE. — 19. A woman fifty-four years old, irritable, morose, susceptable, and breaking out into complaints and reproaches at trifles, complained after a chill, of a pain in the head so violent as to destroy her consciousness, with loss of appetite, and sleeplessness. Aconite cured her in four hours. Gaspary Annales de Hartlaub et Trinks, vol. I, page 234.

20. Pain on the point of the left parietal bone, at every touch or from contact with the air; prosopalgia of the same side with swelling of the lower jaw. — Annales de Hartlaub et Trinks, vol. II, page 71.

21. Violent pains in the head; the patient lies down without consciousness, with momentary attempts to vomit, groans, complaints, fear of death; the least noise and every movement are insupportable; pulse very small, and sometimes intermittent; pulsative and lancinating or a squeezing pain below the nape of the neck; aggravation from the conversation of others. — Hering, Domestic Medicine.

22. Pain in the head in consequence of a chill, with cold in the head, buzzing in the ears and cholic.— HeringIbid, (Materia Medica,) symptom 68.

23. Catarrh, pain in the head, with cold in the head, and with amelioration in the open air; symptoms aggravated by talking. — HeringIbid.

24. Painful sensation, as if a ball traversed the head and diffused through it a fresh breeze. — HeringIbid, Materia Medica, symptom 641.

25. Tearing and lancinating pain behind the left eye, with nausea and vomiting; aggravation by every shake of the head. — HeringIbid.

26. Sensation of fullness and tension in the head, as if it was pressed by a band. — Black, Gazette Homoeopathique de Lepzig, vol. XXXVI, page 221.

27. Characteristic Symptoms of the Materia Medica. Headache as if a part of the brain elevated itself, increased by the least movement, by drinking and by talking; symptom 37 — sensation as if he was drawn and raised up by the hair; symptom 29 — lancinating pulsations, as if from an internal abscess, which sometimes prevents him from speaking; symptom 39 — pressing in the forehead, behind the eyes and at the nape of the neck, as if he was about to lose his reason; symptoms 52, 55 — headache as if the brain was filled up, especially in a heated chamber; symptoms 16, 17 — Jahr.

28. Principal indications: aggravations of the headache from speaking, by the conversation of others, the least noise or movement and every jar; pressure in the frontal sinues; brain as if filled up or the head as if pressed by a band; aggravation of symptoms in a heated chamber. — Jahr.

EYES. — 29. Ophthalmia in a man forty-five years old, addicted to spiritual liquors. The malady of seven days standing. The eyelids, especially the upper, much swollen, red, hot, painful; abundant discharge of muco-purulent matter and lachrymation at every attempt to open the eyelids; conjunctiva much swollen, bright red, and forming a cushion around the cornea; cornea of the left eye dim, muddy, opaque (and covered with ulcers,) photophobia; sensation as if the globe of the eye was too large; lancinating pains around the eyes, more at night. A cure was effected in ten days with Aconite 12th, at first a drop every hour, and then Aconite 15th. The ulcers on the cornea which remained were cured with Sulphur. — Knorre, Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig, vol. XIX, page 65.

30. Aconite should be preferred when the eyelids are swollen, hard, red, yellowish red or bright, as if transparent, with burning heat, dryness, tension; abundant secretion of mucus in the eyes and nose. — HeringDomestic Medicine.

31. Aconite is one of the most efficacious medicines in traumatic ophthalmia, either recent or chronic, especially if there are violent pains with photophobia. — Stapf, Archives, vol. VIII, sheet 3, page 185.

32. A violent traumatic ophthalmia was cured in a few days by a solution of eight drops of strong tincture of Aconite in eight oz. of water, applied externally by means of compresses, and introduced into the eye by drops. — Dudgeon, Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig, vol. XXXVII, page 357.

33. A violent case of ophthalmia of the same nature was cured in four days with Aconite 15th — ten globules to four oz. of water, and a tea-spoonful every three hours. — Jahr.

34. Ophthalmias of newly born children are often cured speedily with Aconite 30th, when administered in time. — Gross, Archives de Stapf, vol. X sheet 2, page 36.

35. In a recent case of ophthalmia in a newly born infant, Aconite 200th cured the malady in twenty-four hours. — H. de S., Nouvelles Archives de Stapf, vol. III, sheet 2, page 118.

36. In rheumatic ophthalmias, Aconite deserves particular attention, since it often suffices alone to effect a complete cure. — Kreussler, Therapeutique, page 64.

37. In Catarrhal ophthalmias I have often seen Aconite do good.— Grusselich, Hygea, vol. V, page 218.

38. Principal indications. Excessively painful ophthalmia; burning and heat in the eyelids; sensation as if the ball was swollen; severe photophobia; abundant discharge of tears and muco-purulent matter. — Jahr.

NOSE BLEED. — 39. Aconite 18th has proved efficacious against nose bleeding accompanied, with violent congestion of the head; red face, heat in the head, and injected eyes. — Kreussler, Therapeutique, page 136.

40. Violent and very debilitating nose bleedings which sometimes affect women about the critical period, and which are caused by congestion of blood towards the head, have been often cured by Aconite 3d, in frequently repeated doses. — Schroen, Hygea, vol. V, page 101.

41. Aconite has proved especially efficacious in the nose bleedings of plethoric young persons subject to sanguineous congestions. — Webber, Archives de Stapf, vol. XVI, sheet 2, page 18.

TOOTHACHE. — 42. In a pregnant woman, Aconite 200th rapidly cured a violent pulsative toothache. — H. de S. Nouvelles Archives de Stapf, vol. III, sheet 2, page 120.

43. Aconite cures pulsative and lancinating toothache, with heat and redness of the face. It has also proved efficacious against difficult dentition with congestion of the head. — Kreussler Therapeutique, page 33.

44. Aconite does good in cases where patients are beside themselves; pains difficult to describe; also when the pains are pulsative; have been caused by a chill, with congestion of blood towards the head, and burning face, especially in infants. — Hering Domestic Medicine.

45. Aconite is principally indicated when in consequence of a chill from exposure to a dry and cold wind, there occurs fever with congestion of blood to the head, burning heat of the face, hard and rapid pulse, mental and bodily agitation, and pulsative toothache, for the most part semilateral, and affecting the whole jaw, with redness of the cheeks. — Boenninghausen, Archives de Stapf, vol. XV, sheet 2, page 5.

46, Aconite is efficacious against pulsative toothache, with congestion of blood towards the head. — Lobethal, Gazette Homoeopathique de Leipzig vol. XIII, page 22.

47. Aconite is beneficial in inflammatory toothache, after a chill, with pulsative pain, congestion of blood towards the head, burning of the face. Also in congestive toothache, after a suppression of the courses by a fright and vexation. — Altschul, le Dentist Homoeopathique.

48. Principal indications: pulsative pains; congestions of blood to the head; redness of the face or of the cheeks; exasperation; agitation. Causes: — Age of infancy; difficult dentition; suppression of the courses by a fright with vexation. — Jahr.

(To be Continued.)

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