The call for a Second Edition of this work, and in so short time after its first appearance, is, indeed, very gratifying to me, and I have endeavored to make it even more acceptable than at first by valuable additions in the way of new remedies, and further comparisons. I have tried to avoid increasing the size of the work at the expense of its reliability, which is an error into which many authors have fallen.
This is an age of speculation, and "fads" of all kinds are in order, but disappointment and failure is the sure outcome. I believe in the Homoeopathy taught by Hahnemann, and that is what I purpose to proclaim.
Thanking my colleagues for their appreciation of the first edition, as evidenced by the many letters received and the rapid sale of the same, I offer the second with increasing confidence and gratitude.
E. B. Nash.
Cortland, N. Y., July, 1900.