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Text Book of Materia Medica
by Adolph Lippe
External source: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t31271c32&view=1up

Allium Cepa
External source: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t31271c32&view=1up&seq=22
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Mind and Disposition.


Fear that the pains would become unbearable.



Dull head-ache, with coryza; worse in the evening; better in the open air; but aggravated when returning to a warm room.


5. Flow of (mild) tears.

Redness of the eyes, with itching, burning and stinging, with inclination to rub them.

Swelling around the eyes.

Dulness of the eyes, with aversion to light and coryza.



10. Discharge of pus from the ear.

Hardness of hearing.


Profuse watery discharge from the nose, with sneezing, acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip.

Fluent coryza, with running of water from the eyes, head-ache, heat, thirst, cough, trembling of the hands ; worse in the evening and in a room ; better in the open air.

Bleeding of the nose.


15. Sensation as of a lump in the throat.

Expectoration of a lumpy mucus through the posterior nares.


Violent cutting pain in the left lower abdomen, with frequent desire to micturate, and burning micturition.

Stool and Anus.

Diarrhoea after midnight and in the morning.

Stitches in the rectum.

20. Rhagades at the anus.

Itching at the anus (worms.)

Urinary Organs.

Pressure and other pains in the region of the bladder.

Sensation of weakness in the bladder and urethra.

Increased secretion of urine with coryza.

Urine red, with much pressure and burning in the urethra.


25. Oppressed breathing, from pressure in the middle of the chest; worse in the evening.

Cough, when inhaling cold air.

Upper Extremities.

Trembling of the right hand.


Lower Extremities.

Soreness ; the skin is rubbed off by the shoes, especially on the heel.


30. Inflammation and increased secretions of the mucous membranes.

Stitches (head, eyes, ears, rectum, skin.)

Burning (eyelids, throat, nose, mouth, bladder, skin.)

Bad effects from wet feet.


Pulse full and accelerated.

35. Heat, with rumbling in the abdomen, coryza and thirst.

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