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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Pulsatilla Nigricans

1. Mild, gentle, yielding disposition; sad and despondent, weeps easily, sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, muscles soft and flabby.

2. Changeable remedy, pains travel from one joint to another; haemorrhages flow and stop and flow again, no two stools alike, no two chills alike, no head nor tail to the case - mixed. From Clarke (editor): Erratic (not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable; editor) temperatures in fevers. Alternate pallor and redness of face. When one set of symptoms comes on another vanishes.

3. Bad taste in the mouth, < mornings, with great dryness, but no thirst.

4. Stomach easily disturbed, especially by cakes, pastry or rich fat foods.

5. Thick bland discharges from all mucous membranes.

6. Catamenia too late, scanty or suppressed, particularly by wetting the feet.

7. Modalities: < in warm room, warm applications, abuse of Iron, chilliness with the pains, > by cool open air (but the abdominal pains are relieved by warmth, from Dunham, editor), walking slowly around (motion, from Dunham, editor), cold food or drink, tying up tightly > the headache.

8. Pains accompanied with constant chilliness, and the more severe the pain the harder the chill (with profuse sweating, Cham.; with fainting, Hepar sulph.; with frequent micturition, Thuja; with delirium, Verat. alb.).

9. Painful menstruation with great restlessness, tossing in every possible direction.

10. Certain parts of the body become very red or purple, without heat, the vessels becoming congested. (From Dunham; editor)

11. Occurrence or aggravation of the symptoms in the evening, after eating, during repose, and amelioration from motion and from being in the open air; also paleness of the face, even with sensation of internal heat. (From Dunham; editor)

12. A peculiarity of this remedy is that pains are often confined to one half of the body. (From Dunham; editor)

13. Tongue covered with tenacious mucus. White-coated tongue is an indication for this remedy. (From Dunham; editor)

14. The taste of the food returning to and remaining in the mouth long after eating. (From Dunham; editor)

15. Wide awake in the evening; does not want to go to bed; first sleep restless; sound asleep when it is time to get up; wakes languid and not refreshed. (From Dunham; editor)

16. Tearing pains in the extremities, compelling the prover to move the affected part, which is equivalent to relief by motion; and by pressure (lying on the painful side), which is analogous to motion. (From Dunham; editor)

17. Fever. When heat follows the chilliness, if it be only a sensation of heat with no objective warmth, there is no thirst; but if the heat be, as it sometimes is, both objective and subjective (hot stage), it is then attended by thirst. (From Dunham; editor)

18. The most peculiar pain is a tension, which increases until very acute, and then lets up with a snap. (From Dunham; editor) Or the pains appear suddenly and leave gradually. (From Clarke; editor)

19. She wakes up in the night with a dry cough, and she is compelled to sit up in bed to get relief. (From Clarke; editor)

20. It is prophylactic against measles. (From Clarke; editor)

21. Usually the symptoms which occur while lying still upon the back are > by sitting upright, seldom the reverse; frequently the symptoms that appear while sitting still are > or removed by gradual motion and by walking, seldom the reverse. (From Clarke; editor)

22. The act of rising, before one begins to walk, = symptoms more numerous and more severe the longer the sitting has continued; so also longer continued and more violent motion = aggravation no less long than sitting still, which, however, are only really felt and noticed after one has sat down and become quiet. (From Clarke; editor)

23. First serious impairment of health is referred to age of puberty, "never been well since" ─ anaemia, bronchitis, phthisis. (From Clarke; editor)

24. Mind: Mild, gentle and yielding disposition; cries at everything, is sad and despondent; weeps about everything; can hardly give her symptoms from weeping.

25. Head: Throbbing pressive headache, > by external pressure; tying up tightly.

26. Sight and Eyes: Cloudiness of vision, with a kind of flashing fire as if she had received a slap in the face. (H. Robinson)

27. Sight and Eyes: Inflammation of eyes and margins of the lids, with lachrimation and nightly agglutination.

28. Sight and Eyes: Profuse lachrimation in the wind or open air.

29. Sight and Eyes: Conjunctivitis with profuse, yellow, thick, bland discharge.

30. Sight and Eyes: Subjects of styes, especially upper lids.

31. Hearing and Ears: Hardness of hearing; sensation as if ears were stopped.

32. Hearing and Ears: Violent pain in ear as of something forcing outward.

33. Hearing and Ears: External ear and meatus red and swollen.

34. Hearing and Ears: Otalgia, with darting tearing pains, and pulsating; < at night.

35. Hearing and Ears: Bland, nearly inoffensive, discharge of mucus and pus from the ears.

36. Hearing and Ears: Affections of ears, sequelae of measles.

37. Nose: Coryza, fluid or dry, with loss of taste and smell; sore nostrils; later a yellowish green discharge.

38. Nose: Green, fetid, nasal discharge; diminished or lost taste and smell; chronic, thick, yellow, bland discharge.

39. Nose: Bad smell, as of old catarrh, in the nose.

40. Mouth and Throat: Great dryness of the mouth in the morning without thirst.

41. Mouth and Throat: Bad taste in the mouth, especially early in the morning, or nothing tastes good, or no taste at all.

42. Mouth and Throat: Veins of throat distended, inflamed, and bluish red.

43. Stomach: Thirstlessness with most all complaints.

44. Stomach: Stomach better from cold things, < warm.

45. Stomach: Stomach disordered from cakes, pastry, rich, or fat food.

46. Abdomen: Pressure in abdomen and small of back, as if from a stone, with disposition of lower limbs to go to sleep when sitting; sometimes ineffectual desire for stool.

47. Anus and Stool: Dysenteric stools of clear yellow, red or green slime, with or without severe aching pains and tenesmus, extending up from the anus along the sacrum.

48. Anus and Stool: Stools very changeable, no two stools alike.

49. Urinary Organs: Retention of urine with great desire, which is greatly < on lying, especially on the back.

50. Urinary Organs: Wetting the bed, particularly little girls, or on coughing or sneezing.

51. Male Sexual Organs: Thick, bland, yellow, or green yellow discharge from the urethra (gonorrhoea).

52. Male Sexual Organs: Orchitis from cold or checked gonorrhoea.

53. Female Sexual Organs: Menstrual colic, with great restlessness, tossing in every possible direction.

54. Female Sexual Organs: Catamenia too late and scanty, or suppressed, particularly by getting the feet wet.

55. Respiratory Organs: Cough with bitter expectoration.

56. Neck and Back: Pain in small of back, as after long stooping or from a sprain, on motion after sitting.

57. Extremities: Drawing, tearing pains in limbs; shifting rapidly from place to place; worse at night from warmth; better from uncovering.

58. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Chilly with the pains.

59. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Chill at 4 P. M.

60. Chill, Fever and Sweat: No two paroxysms alike, ever changing symptoms.

61. Generalities: Chilliness with the pains.

62. Generalities: Wandering pains shift rapidly from one part to another, also with redness and swelling of the joints.

63. Generalities: Symptoms ever changing, no two chills, no two stools, no two attacks alike, well one hour, miserable the next.

64. Causes and Modalities: Relieved in open air, < on retiring to close, warm room.

65. Constitution and Temperament: Sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, inclined to shedding of tears.

66. Difficult respiration accompanies diseased conditions in parts not involved in the act of breathing. (Lippe)

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