1. Diphtheria with remarkable prostration.
2. The throat feels raw and sore, and examination reveals a broken down appearance of the mucous membrane bordering on ulceration. It is not granulated, but looks raw in spots, as if denuded of membrane.
3. It hurts the patient to speak, and there is also hoarseness.
4. Extreme feebleness, trembling, syncope (faintness). Icy coldness; general coldness with nausea. (From J. H. Clarke, editor)
5. Very efficient prophylactic in diphtheria. (From Clarke; editor)
6. Diphtheritic membrane in throat, mouth, and at anus. (From Clarke; editor)
7. Thought of food = retching. (From Clarke; editor)
8. Symptoms are < after eating. (From Clarke; editor)