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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Sulphur

1. Hahnemann's king of anti-psorics; combatting all psoric manifestations, as described in Hahnemann's chronic diseases.

2. Itching eruptions on the skin everywhere; scratching is followed by burning.

3. Burning everywhere, general and local, especially feet; has to stick them out of bed to cool them. (It leads in chronic affections with burning sensation.)

4. Redness of all orifices, as if pressed full of blood (lips, ears, nostrils, eyelids, anus, urethra, etc.), especially if these symptoms follow, or are consequent upon the suppression or retrocession of some eruption or skin trouble. (The orifices are sore and hypersensitive as well; the passage of all discharges or excretions is painful. /From Clarke; editor/)

5. Exudations into serous sacs, following acute inflammations. (For absorption.)

6. Weak, faint, after hot flashes, followed by sweat, especially at 11 A. M.

7. Modalities: < 5 A. M. (diarrhoea), standing; 11 A. M., close room, open air, bathing, cold damp weather; > doors and windows open, sitting or lying.

8. When carefully selected remedies fail to act favorably, use it, but it is not the only remedy capable of removing psoric complications, but oftener indicated here, because it oftener covers the usual manifestations of psora in its pathogenesis than any other remedy.

9. It seems to have the power of equalizing the circulation in persons subject to such local congestions and inflammations. Either acute or chronic congestions (boils, swellings, felons, abdominal or portal congestions and inflammations, especially if caused by suppressed haemorrhoids; congestions to the head may result from the same cause; congestions to the chest).

10. With or without eruption, itching and burning, are the characteristic sensations attending the skin symptoms.

11. Particularly efficacious with lean, stoop-shouldered persons, who walk or sit stooped; standing is the most uncomfortable position.

12. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin affections. (With greasy skin, and long, straight, matted hair. /From Clarke; editor/)

13. Children cannot bear to be washed or bathed. (Emaciated; big-bellied; restless, hot, kick off clothes at night; have worms. /Fom Clarke; editor/)

14. Voluptuous itching; scratching relieves; after it burning.

15. Complaints continually relapsing. (Menses, leucorrhoea, &c.; patient seems to get almost well when the disease returns again and again. /From Clarke; editor/)

16. Congestion to single parts. (Eye; nose; chest; abdomen; ovaries; arms; legs; or any organ of the body, marking the onset of tumours or malignant growths, especially at climacteric. /From Clarke; editor/)

17. Pain in heart, extending to back.

18. Scrofulous (psoric) chronic diseases that result from suppressed eruptions.

19. Discharges from every outlet acrid, excoriating and reddening.

20. Offensive odor of body despite frequent bathing.

21. Hot flushes with spells of faintness, or debility passing off with a little moisture, faintness or debility.

22. Weak, faint spells frequently during the day.

23. Feels suffocated; wants doors and windows open, particularly at night.

24. Diarrhoea after midnight; painless, driving out of bed early in the morning, as if the bowels were too weak to retain their contents.

25. Weak, empty, gone or faint feeling in stomach about 11 A. M.

26. White tongue with very red tip and borders.

27. Bright redness of lips as if the blood would burst through.

28. Heat on crown of head; cold feet; frequent flushing.

29. Quick, wiry, nervous, active.

30. Aggravation after washing. (From Dunham; editor)

31. Thread-like streaks of blood in stool. (From Dunham; editor)

32. Dunham has often found this remedy successful where menstruation was suppressed, whether by cold during a previous period, or by unknown causes, and where Pulsatilla had been given without effect. He thought it more frequently indicated in amenorrhoea than Pulsatilla. (From Dunham; editor)

33. In tuberculosis of the lungs a keynote is "body feels too hot." (From Clarke; editor)

34. "< By heat" is a keynote. The < is most noticeable by warmth of the bed. The patient says he is all right till he gets warm in bed. (In some cases stove heat >.) (From Clarke; editor)

35. < at night. Every twelve hours is the most characteristic periodicity, but it may be multiples or divisions of twelve. (From Clarke; editor)

36. The chronic of Acon. in the effects of chills; and if Acon. does not promptly solve the difficulty, it will be required. (From Clarke; editor)

37. Sharp stitching pains through left lung to back, < lying on back. < by least motion. (From Clarke; editor)

38. Aversion to be washed, always < after a bath. (From Clarke; editor)

39. Chronic alcoholism; dropsy and other ailments of drunkards; they reform but are continually relapsing. (From Clarke; editor)

40. Sensation of burning: on vertex; and smarting in eyes; of vesicles in mouth and dryness of throat, first right then left; in stomach; in rectum in anus, and itching piles, and scalding urine; like fire on nipples in chest rising to face of skin of whole body, with hot flushes; in spots below scapulae; burning soles, must find a cool place for them at night. (From Clarke; editor)

41. Cramp in calves and soles at night. (From Clarke; editor)

42. Constipation: Stools hard, dry, knotty, as if burnt; large, painful, child is afraid to have stool on account of pain; or pain compels child to desist on first effort; alternating with diarrhoea. (From Clarke; editor)

43. Boils: coming in crops in various parts, or a single boil is succeeded by another as soon as the first is healed. (From Clarke; editor)

44. Skin: itching, voluptuous; scratching > ("feels good to scratch"); scratching = burning; < from heat of bed; soreness in folds. (From Clarke; editor)

45. Skin affections that have been treated by medicated soaps and washes; haemorrhoids that have been treated by ointments. (From Clarke; editor)

46. Becomes suddenly wide awake at night; drowsy in afternoon after sunset, wakefulness the whole night. (From Clarke; editor)

47. Happy dreams, wakes up singing. (From Clarke; editor)

48. Everything looks pretty which patient takes a fancy to; even rags seem beautiful. (From Clarke; editor)

49. Ailments from the abuse of metals generally. (From Clarke; editor)

50. Red nose < by cold: the colder the redder. (From Clarke; editor)

51. Cutting, stabbing pain in right eye. (From Clarke; editor)

52. Poor breakfast eaters. (From Clarke; editor)

53. Worried by trifles. (From Clarke; editor)

54. White, frothy expectoration. (From Clarke; editor)

55. Empty sensation (head; heart; stomach; abdomen). (From Clarke; editor)

56. Persons of nervous temperament, quick-motioned, quick-tempered, plethoric, skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. (From Clarke; editor)

57. Persons of scrofulous diathesis, subject to various congestions, especially of portal system. (From Clarke; editor)

58. "Ragged philosophers"; dirty-looking persons who are always speculating on religious or philosophical subjects. (From Clarke; editor)

59. Full-blooded persons with great irritability, restlessness, and hastiness. (From Clarke; editor)

60. People with hot, sweaty hands. (From Clarke; editor)

61. People who refer all their sufferings to the epigastrium "everything affects me there." (From Clarke; editor)

62. Mind: Melancholic mood; dwelling on religious things; anxious to save his soul.

63. Mind: The most ordinary objects awake extraordinary admiration.

64. Head: Heat on top of head; flushes in face; feet cold.

65. Head: Pressive pain in vertex, as from a weight on top of the brain.

66. Head: Sick headache periodically once a week or two weeks.

67. General Face: Comedones, black pores of the skin, particularly in the face.

68. General Face: Very red lips, particularly with children.

69. General Face: Bright redness of the lips as if the blood would burst through.

70. Sight and Eyes: Burning and dry rubbing sensation beneath the lids as if sand were in them.

71. Sight and Eyes: Dimness of vision, as of a veil before the eyes; dark points or spots floating before the eyes.

72. Sight and Eyes: Sharp darting pains like pins, needles, or splinters were sticking into the eye.

73. Sight and Eyes: Cannot bear to have the eyes washed.

74. Hearing and Ears: Stitches in left ear.

75. Hearing and Ears: Ears very red with children.

76. Mouth and Throat: Tongue coated white, with red tip and edges, mostly in acute diseases.

77. Mouth and Throat: Sore throat with great burning and dryness; soreness begins on right side and goes to the left.

78. Stomach: Drinks much, eats little.

79. Stomach: Weak, empty, gone, faint feeling in pit of stomach at 11 A. M.

80. Abdomen: Fullness and distension of abdomen, pressing downward toward anus; painful sensitiveness of abdominal walls to touch.

81. Anus and Stool: Both the flow of urine and discharge of faeces are painful to the parts over which they pass.

82. Anus and Stool: Diarrhoea some hours after midnight, or driving out of bed early in the morning, 5 A. M.

83. Anus and Stool: Child falls asleep as soon as the tenesmus ceases, after the stool.

84. Female Sexual Organs: Such burning in the vagina she is scarcely able to keep still.

85. Respiratory Organs: Weakness in the chest when talking and in the evening when lying down.

86. Respiratory Organs: She feels suffocated; wants doors and windows open.

87. Neck and Back: Violent, bruised pain in small of the back and in coccyx, especially when stooping, or rising from seat.

88. Neck and Back: Pain in back < when standing.

89. Extremities: Heat in the soles of the feet, or cold feet with burning soles; wishes to find a cool place for them, or puts them out of bed.

90. Extremities: Cramps in the calves and soles, particularly at night, also looseness of bowels.

91. Sleep and Dreams: Irresistible drowsiness in the daytime and wakefulness the whole night.

92. Sleep and Dreams: Finds himself at night lying on the back.

93. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Chills and fever; no reaction; stupid; constantly sinking.

94. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Morning sweat setting in after waking.

95. Skin: Voluptuous itching, scratching relieves; after it burning; sometimes little vesicles.

96. Skin: After violent scratching, aching, numbness of skin and swelling of skin, even ulceration.

97. Generalities: Unsteady gait, tremor of the hands or great debility and trembling, weariness, weakness and prostration.

98. Generalities: Does not walk erect; stoops or bends over forward in walking or sitting.

99. Generalities: Standing is the most disagreeable position.

100. Generalities: Sensation of burning in many parts.

101. Generalities: Extreme disgust of the effluvia of his own body.

102. Generalities: All the orifices of the body are red as if pressed full of blood.

103. Generalities: Child cannot bear to be washed or bathed.

104. Generalities: Discharge from every outlet acrid, excoriating and reddening.

105. Generalities: Chronic local congestions in many parts, with burning sensation.

106. Generalities: Weak, faint spells during the day.

107. Generalities: To promote absorption of effusions with other symptoms present. (The name of the remedy has been replaced by "other"; editor)

108. Causes and Modalities: Child dislikes to be washed or bathed.

109. Constitution and Temperament: For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who walk and sit stooped; walk stooping like old men.

110. Constitution and Temperament: The leading anti-psoric.

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