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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Calcium Phosphoricum

1. Tardy closing or re-opening fontanelles in slim, emaciated or anaemic children, with sweaty heads.

2. Diarrhoea or entero-colitis; stool passes with much flatulence and spluttering noise.

3. Rheumatic troubles, which are < in fall or spring, when the air is full of melting snow.

4. Tardy bone development in spare subjects instead of fat.

5. The little patient instead of wanting eggs wants "ham rind".

6. The little patients are shrunken, emaciated and very anaemic. Marasmus.

7. It is an excellent remedy for broken bones where the bones refuse to knit. (Also Symphytum.)

8. Very useful in the headaches of anaemic school girls.

9. Feels complaints more when thinking of them (Oxalic acid, Helonias).

10. The patient is generally emaciated instead of fat like the typical Calc. carb. child, and is less chalky-white and more dirty-white or brownish. (From Clarke; editor)

11. The patient has craving for salt or smoked meats. "Craving for fat bacon" in children. (From Clarke; editor)

12. The patient has both open fontanelles, especially the posterior. The skull is thin and soft, almost cracks, like paper when pressed upon. (From Clarke; editor)

13. Weak memory; inability for mental exertion. Hence it is appropriate in effects of mental strain, such as school headaches in children, weak-minded children. (From Clarke; editor)

14. Peevish and fretful. Wants to be at home, and when at home wants to go out; goes from place to place. (From Clarke; editor)

15. Nymphomania; all organs in erection with irresistible desire, particularly before catamenia. Voluptuous feeling, as if all the parts were filled with blood; pulses in all the parts with increased desire; after urination. (From Clarke; editor)

16. There is a weak, sinking sensation in the hypogastrium, and sinking, empty feeling in epigastrium; prolapsus < during stool or micturition. (From Clarke; editor)

17. Aching in uterus. Cutting through to sacrum. (From Clarke; editor)

18. Burning in vagina with pain on both sides of bladder and uterus; burning like fire up into chest. (From Clarke; editor)

19. Flushes of heat and faintness; sweats easily. (From Clarke; editor)

20. The menses are profuse, and the patient is weak and consumptive. (From Clarke; editor)

21. She has partial profuse sweats, but less profuse than those of Sepia. (From Clarke; editor)

22. It is useful in cases of fistula; and when fistula has been operated on and symptoms have appeared elsewhere; fistula alternating with chest symptoms. (From Clarke; editor)

23. Enlargement of tonsils, acute and chronic. (From Clarke; editor)

24. Short breath. Involuntary sighing. Contraction of chest and difficult breathing; evening till 10 p.m., > lying down, < getting up. (From Clarke; editor)

25. Crying out in sleep. Cannot get awake in morning. (From Clarke; editor)

26. The chills run up the back; terrible muscular jerks in body, which almost throw him out of his chair. (From Clarke; editor)

27. Predisposition to glandular and bone diseases. Slow development of teeth. Spinal curvature. (From Clarke; editor)

28. Slow walking; neck too thin and weak to support head. (From Clarke; editor)

29. Motion < and rest > most symptoms. (From Clarke; editor)

30. A slight draught causes rheumatic pains; every cold causes pains in joints and sutures. (From Clarke; editor)

31. Changes of weather, especially when the snow melts, or in east winds <. Damp, rainy, cold weather <. (From Clarke; editor)

32. It is suited to scrofulous, gouty constitutions. (From Clarke; editor)

33. Mind: Feels complaints more when thinking of them (Helon., Ox. ac.).

34. Head: Fontanellas remain open too long, or close and re-open.

35. Head: Delayed closure, or reopening of fontanelles, child cannot hold the head up.

36. Stomach: Desire for salted and smoked meats, ham, bacon, etc.; children cry for ham rind (Caust.).

37. Stomach: At every attempt to eat, bellyache.

38. Anus and Stool: Diarrhoea; the flatulence with the stools makes a loud spluttering noise when the stool passes.

39. Neck and Back: From slight draft of air, rheumatic stiffness of neck.

40. Neck and Back: Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if broken or separated.

41. Bones: Bones affected along sutures or at symphyses.

42. Generalities: Fractured bones are slow in uniting, hastens the promotion of callus.

43. Generalities: Children lose flesh; will not stand; do not learn to walk; slow dentition.

44. Generalities: Rheumatic affections < spring and fall, especially when air is cold and damp from melting snow.

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