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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Calcium Carbonicum

1. Deficient or irregular bone development. (Fontanelles open, crooked spine, deformed extremities.) (Open anterior fontanelle /From Clarke; editor/)

2. Leucophlegmatic temperament. (Old medical term. Having a dropsical habit of body /the tendency of the body to retain fluids/, with a white bloated skin. Sluggish. Refers to a temperament characterized by want of tension of fiber and general inertness of the physical and mental powers. Editor)

3. Fair, fat, flabby, obesic. The skin is white, watery or chalky pale. Torpid disposition (especially children), sluggish or slow in its movements.

4. Coldness, general and local (single parts), subjective and objective, especially as if had on cold, damp stockings. (Especially coldness of lower extremities.) Affections from working in cold water.

5. Sweats general (night sweats and on exertion). Local; head (children; profuse sweats on the head of large-headed, open fontanelled children), male organs, nape of neck, chest, axilla, hands, knees, feet, etc. (The sweat on the head is so profuse that during sleep it rolls down the head and face, wetting the pillow far around.)

6. Digestive tract sour (sour taste, eructations, vomiting, sour curds, diarrhoea).

7. Great debility; cannot walk far or go upstairs for short breath; easily strained.

8. Modalities: < cold air, ascending, or exertion; straining from lifting.

9. Malnutrition.

10. Nutrition impaired with tendency to glandular enlargements.

11. Granular vegetations (in medicine, a vegetation is an abnormal growth; editor); polypus (in nose, ear, bladder, uterus, etc.).

12. Aversion to open air, the least cold air goes right through her.

13. Longing for eggs, particularly in children, in sickness or during convalescence, even before they are able to swallow. The stomach externally is swollen or seems distended, standing right out like an inverted saucer. Abdomen is also much distended from hard and swollen mesentery, even when the rest of the body is emaciated.

14. The diarrhoea, which may vary as to color and consistence, is worse in the afternoon.

15. The patient is generally better when constipated.

16. For pulmonary consumption it is one of the most effective agents, if indicated by the temperament and symptoms.

17. Middle and upper portion of right lung.

18. Chest painfully sensitive to touch and on inspiration.

19. Painless hoarseness, < in the morning.

20. Especially in women who have always been too early and profuse in menstruation, and who have habitually cold feet to the knees. (It is sometimes indicated when the menses are scanty. /From Dunham; editor/)

21. Tendency to looseness of the bowels, < afternoons.

22. Appetite failing and emaciation progressing.

23. As regards disposition, we notice first, indifference, with reticence and inertness; then depression and sadness, with anxiety about the future and disposition to weep. Finally, peevishness and much nervous excitement and irritability. (From Dunham; editor)

24. Fear of going crazy, or that people will observe her and suppose her to be crazy. (From Dunham; editor)

25. Despairing, hopeless of ever getting well. Anxiety, shuddering and awe as soon as evening comes near; with fear of death, tormenting those around him day and night. (From Dunham; editor)

26. Peculiarly applicable to persons whose pupils are habitually dilated. (From Dunham; editor)

27. Tension in the abdomen from distention of that part of the body; large and hard abdomen, especially in children. (From Dunham; editor)

28. Constant tenesmus or desire for stool is an important symptom (after dysentery, in the chronic form, very useful). Constant desire for stool; almost no discharge. (From Dunham; editor)

29. In fever, when there are horrid visions on closing the eyes; or headache, diminished by closing the eyes. (From Dunham; editor)

30. It is a chilly remedy, the patient is seeking warmth. (From Clarke; editor)

31. There are night terrors; child wakes at 2 or 3 a.m. screaming, cannot be made to understand, remembers nothing of it in the morning. (From Clarke; editor)

32. Children are slow in teething and walk late. (From Clarke; editor)

33. All the symptoms are made worse by taking cold. (From Clarke; editor)

34. It also corresponds to ailments following losses of fluids, such as from self abuse. (From Clarke; editor)

35. There is often pain in the breasts before the flow commences, as with Conium. Suppression of menses in women of full habit after working in water.

36. The hand is soft, warm, and moist; a boneless hand. Also hands inclined to chap. (From Clarke; editor)

37. Nausea after drinking water, even ever so little; but not if iced. (From Clarke; editor)

38. The "sinking" sensation has some modifications. There is ravenous hunger; hunger and feeling of emptiness immediately after a meal, and in the early morning. If he doesn't have his breakfast at the proper time, a headache comes on. (From Clarke; editor)

39. Craving for eggs; for indigestible things, chalk, coal, &c. (From Clarke; editor)

40. Warts and polypi. It is an eminently sycotic medicine, as the early morning aggravation would indicate. (From Clarke; editor)

41. Fears she has some fatal disease, especially heart disease. (From Clarke; editor)

42. The epilepsy of this remedy has an aura spreading up from the solar plexus, in which case the convulsion comes on immediately; or it may be like a mouse running on the arm; or it may run down from epigastrium into uterus or limbs. (From Clarke; editor)

43. Rush of blood to head; a sensation of something rising up from epigastrium to head. (From Clarke; editor)

44. It is in general a right-side remedy. It affects specially right external head; right eye; right face; right abdominal ring; sexual organs right side; right back; right upper extremities. Left side neck and nape of neck; left chest; left lower extremities. (From Clarke; editor)

45. Dread of bathing and water. (From Clarke; editor)

46. The patient cannot bear the sun. (From Clarke; editor)

47. Great weakness on ascending, on walking, talking (chests feels weak), or excitement. (From Clarke; editor)

48. Mind: Despairing, hopeless of ever getting well again, with fear of death, tormenting all around him day and night.

49. Mind: Fear of going crazy, or that people will observe her and think her crazy.

50. Mind: Anxious, shuddering; and awe as soon as evening draws near.

51. Head: Vertigo when suddenly raising or turning the head, even when at rest; or when going upstairs or a hill.

52. Head: Internal or external sensation of coldness of various parts of the head.

53. Head: Itching of the scalp; children scratch their heads when their sleep is disturbed or they are awakened.

54. Head: Head too large; fontanelles not closing, and profuse sweat.

55. Sight and Eyes: Inflammation of conjunctiva or cornea caused by bathing, or getting wet, or aggravated by damp weather.

56. Sight and Eyes: Scrofulous inflammation of cornea or conjunctiva, characterized by pustules, ulcers, lacrimation and photophobia, opacities after acute inflammation.

57. Sight and Eyes: Dilated pupils, often indicated after Sulphur.

58. Hearing and Ears: Hard of hearing after the abuse of quinine.

59. Hearing and Ears: Polypus in ears in leuco-phlegmatic temperament.

60. Mouth and Throat: Difficult dentition with little children.

61. Stomach: Sour vomiting (in curds) and sour diarrhoea during dentition.

62. Stomach: Longing for eggs, particularly with children; in sickness or during convalescence.

63. Stomach: Bloating in the region of the stomach; must loosen her clothing.

64. Stomach: Pit of stomach instead of being concave is convex, like a saucer turned bottom up.

65. Abdomen: Abdomen hard and very much distended; mesentery swollen.

66. Anus and Stool: Sour taste in the mouth, or of the food; sour vomiting, especially with children during dentition, also sour diarrhoea.

67. Female Sexual Organs: Catamenia several days too soon and too copious.

68. Female Sexual Organs: The least excitement may cause a return of the profuse catamenia.

69. Respiratory Organs: Shortness or breath on going up the slightest ascent.

70. Respiratory Organs: Chest painfully sensitive to touch, and sore pain in chest on inspiration; acts more on middle and upper portion of right lung.

71. Neck and Back: Easily over-strained from over-lifting, neck becomes stiff and rigid. Especially from working in water like ditching.

72. Extremities: Feet constantly cold and damp, as though she had on damp stockings.

73. Chill, Fever and Sweat: In fever horrid visions when closing the eyes; headache ameliorated by closing the eyes.

74. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Partial sweats; head, nape, chest, feet.

75. Bones: Tardy development of bony tissues, with lymphatic enlargements, fontanelles close too slowly, and teeth come too slowly.

76. Bones: Curvature of bones, especially of spine and long bones; extremities deformed.

77. Generalities: Great weariness, not being able to walk or especially to go up stairs without being greatly exhausted.

78. Generalities: Sensation of coldness as prominent as is burning for Sulphur.

79. Generalities: Often indicated after Sulphur, and if the pupils incline to dilate.

80. Generalities: Sensation of coldness in many parts.

81. Generalities: The patient is generally better when constipated.

82. Generalities: Easily strained from a generally weak, relaxed condition of the muscles.

83. Causes and Modalities: Complaints < on ascending a height; during or after coition; near or during full moon.

84. Causes and Modalities: Very sensitive to the least cold air, which goes right through her.

85. Constitution and Temperament: Scrofulous, tubercular and rachitic subjects, inclined to be fat.

86. Constitution and Temperament: Growing too fat and thick, with young persons.

87. Constitution and Temperament: Children, self-willed, inclined to grow very fat; adapted to scrofulous, weakly, and debilitated constitutions, with yellow complexions; psoric.

88. Constitution and Temperament: Leucophlegmatic temperament.

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