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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Carbo Vegetabilis

1. Vital force nearly exhausted; complete collapse.

2. Blood stagnates in the capillaries; venous turgescence; surface cold and blue.

3. Haemorrhages (nose, stomach, gums, bowels, bladder or any mucous surface), with indescribable paleness of the surface of the body. (Alimentary tract, but respiratory tract also.)

4. Mucous membranes break down, become spongy, bleed, ulcerate and become putrid.

5. Excessive flatulence, pressing upward, stomach and abdomen. (The upper parts of the abdomen are bloated.)

6. Hunger for oxygen, decarbonized blood; cries, fan me, fan me hard!

7. Anaemic, especially after acute diseases, which have greatly depleted the patients; chronic effects.

8. Persons who have never fully recovered from the exhausting effects of some previous illness; has never recovered from effects of typhoid, weak digestion; the simplest food disagrees; eructations give temporary relief.

9. Bad effects from loss of vital fluids (Caust.); haemorrhage from any broken-down condition of mucous membrane.

10. Looseness of teeth, easily bleeding gums.

11. In the last stages of disease, with copious cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost, this remedy may save a life.

12. Coldness of the knees, even in bed (Apis); of left arm and left leg; very cold hands and feet; finger-nails blue.

13. Persons who have never recovered from effects of some previous illness or injury; suppression by Quinine or drugging; typhoid or yellow fever.

14. China is its great complementary.

15. Hoarseness (larynx), which is characteristically worse in the damp air, especially of evening.

16. Great pain in stomach on account of flatulence, worse especially on lying down.

17. The gums break down, become spongy, bleed on touching or sucking them, or become retracted from the teeth, lower incisors, and are painfully sensitive or sore on chewing or even pressing the teeth hard together.

18. It is especially adapted to cachectic individuals whose vital powers have become weakened.

19. The stomach also becomes weak. Acidity and pyrosis is frequent; the plainest food disagrees, fat foods especially.

20. Great pain in stomach on account of flatulence, worse especially on lying down, in different affections ranging from a simple dyspepsia to incurable cancer of the stomach. In the latter case, and even in cases not so serious, burning in stomach.

21. It causes and cures great hoarseness in larynx, which is characteristically worse in the damp air, especially of evening. This condition may go on extending and increasing until it reaches the bronchia.

22. For the bronchitis of old people; also for asthma of the same, in very desperate cases where the patient appears as if dying.

23. In the chest there is sometimes "burning as from glowing coal," and again, "weak, fatigued feeling in chest".

24. Very efficacious in desperate cases of pneumonia, when cyanosis and paralysis threaten from weakness.

25. Indifference. (From Dunham; editor)

26. Burning in the stomach, with a creeping sensation up to the throat. (From Dunham; editor)

27. Headache is a marked symptom. The general character is heaviness, pressure, dull ache. The head is "as heavy as lead;" that there is a weight in the occiput; or a pressure across the forehead weighing down the eyelids, etc. (From Dunham; editor)

28. Vertigo is a marked symptom. It occurs in the bed, when sitting up after sleep ; and is especially induced by quick movements of the head, stooping, walking, sitting, etc. (From Dunham; editor)

29. The hair falls out. (Especially if it occurs after severe stress, such as an acute disease, or parturition.; editor) (From Dunham; editor)

30. It antidotes the effects of putrid meats or fish, rancid fats, salt or salt meats. (From Clarke; editor)

31. It is suited to conditions where there is lack of reaction (like Opium); to low states of the vital powers, where the venous system is engorged; debility of greater intensity than Carbo an.; to children after exhausting diseases; to old people. (From Clarke; editor)

32. Numbness of limbs. (From Clarke; editor)

33. The menstrual discharge is corrosive and has a strong pungent odour. Premature and profuse. Preceded and followed by Leucorrhoea. (From Clarke; editor)

34. Burning pains. (From Clarke; editor)

35. Headache for one or two hours before chill. Chill always from 9 to 10 a.m., beginning in feet and hands, spreading over body; nails very blue. Thirst only during chill. Cold stage lasts two to three hours, followed immediately by hot stage; much heat in head and face, which is flushed red; thirstlessness (or slight thirst; editor). (From Clarke; editor)

36. General Face: Face very pale, grayish yellow color; hippocratic.

37. Hearing and Ears: Deafness after acute exanthemata, or abuse of Mercury; ears too dry.

38. Nose: Severe nosebleed, long continued, or several times daily for weeks; great paleness of the face.

39. Nose: Frequent sneezing; with constant and violent crawling and tickling in the nose.

40. Mouth and Throat: Tongue painfully sensitive when chewing; gums become loosened and retracted from teeth.

41. Mouth and Throat: Looseness of teeth, with bleeding gums. Which are very sensitive when chewing.

42. Stomach: Gastralgia, distended with flatulence, < lying down.

43. Abdomen: Colic from flatulence; abdomen full to bursting.

44. Anus and Stool: Large, protruding blue haemorrhoids, sometimes suppurating, burning and emitting a terrible odor.

45. Anus and Stool: Frequent involuntary, putrid, cadaverous smelling stools, followed by burning in the anus.

46. Female Sexual Organs: Varicose veins in the vulva and about the external genitals.

47. Respiratory Organs: Great suffocation; desires to be fanned; must have more air.

48. Respiratory Organs: Cough with expectoration in the morning, greenish, purulent, sometimes brownish.

49. Extremities: Great weakness or general prostration, with cold knees at night in bed.

50. Skin: Blue color of the body with terrible cardiac anxiety and icy coldness of the surface.

51. Generalities: Hemorrhage from broken down condition of the mucous membranes anywhere, attended with great paleness of the skin.

52. Generalities: Collapse, cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue, voice lost, extreme pallor or greenish color of face.

53. Generalities: Vital powers low, venous system predominates.

54. Constitution and Temperament: In persons whose vital powers are low, from bad effects of exhausting diseases; who have never fully recovered since; venous system predominant.

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