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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Silicea

1. Weak, puny children; not from want of nourishment taken, but defective assimilation.

2. Inflammations tending to end suppuration or refusing to heal; becoming chronic.

3. Coldness, lack of vital warmth, even when taking exercise; must be wrapped up, especially the head, which >.

4. Suppressed sweat, especially of feet (easily suppressed by getting the feet cold), which is profuse and offensive.

5. Weak, nervous, easily irritated, faint-hearted; yielding giving up disposition, "grit all gone."

6. Constipation; stool protrudes and then slips back again, again and again; weak expulsive power.

7. Modalities: < from cold or draft, motion, open air, at new moon; > in warm room, wrapping up head; magnetism and electricity.

8. Scrofulous, rachitic children with large heads; open fontanelles and sutures; much sweating about the head, which must be kept warm by external covering; large bellies; weak ankles, slow in learning to walk.

9. Diseases, caused by suppressed foot-sweat; exposing the head or back to any slight draft of air; from vaccination (Thuja); dust complaints of stone cutters, with total loss of strength.

10. Vertigo; spinal headache ascending from nape of neck to head, as if one would fall forward; worse looking upward.

11. Unhealthy skin; every little injury suppurates.

12. Promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from the tissues, fish bones, needles, bone splinters.

13. The bowels become very persistently loose, especially during dentition or the hot weather of summer. The stools are changeable, but Pulsatilla does no good, almost every kind and color of loose stool appearing.

14. The child takes nourishment enough, but whether vomited or retained, goes on emaciating and growing weaker and weaker until it dies of inanition, unless this remedy checks this process.

15. Constipation < before and during menstruation.

16. Headaches beginning in the nape of the neck and running forward over the head to the eyes. (Remark: the relief is not afforded by simple pressure, as with Menyanthes, but by warmth, e. g., by warm-water compresses. /Remarks from Dunham; editor/). Much < by motion, noise or light, the senses of sight and hearing being unnaturally acute. The patient prefers to lie down in a dark, quiet room. When most violent, it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and it passes away during sleep. /Also from Dunham; editor/

17. Child suffers from epileptiform spasms which are always worse at new moon.

18. The patient desires to be magnetized and is relieved thereby. (Phosphorus.) (Desires to be magnetized: wants to be influenced by a person with a stronger will than he is, wants to be massaged, rubbed or stroked. Wants to be mesmerized.)

19. The chronic of Pulsatilla.

20. Want of grit, moral or physical. (From Clarke; editor)

21. If a suppurative centre is formed either in the connective tissue or in a portion of the skin, it may be used. (From Clarke; editor)

22. Great evacuant. Sensation of "splinter in the finger", of "a pin in the throat". Whenever foreign bodies have became embeded in the tissues; or whenever portions of the tissues have become necrosed and quasi-foreign, it will set up suppuration in the vicinity and bring about their expulsion. (From Clarke; editor)

23. It both matures abscesses and reduces excessive suppuration. It will also resolve indurations left after suppuration. (From Clarke; editor)

24. It affects the nails, cripples them, and produces inflammation around and under them. "Sensation as if the finger-tips were suppurating" is one of the symptoms which led to its use in such cases. (From Clarke; editor)

25. It causes inflammation, swelling and suppuration of all the lymphatic glands and also the glands of the skin. (From Clarke; editor)

26. The skin is unhealthy and every little injury ulcerates. (From Clarke; editor)

27. Hands and feet are sweaty, and the sweat is generally offensive. The feet may give off an intolerable odour without any sweat. The head sweats, and this may be offensive. (From Clarke; editor)

28. It corresponds perfectly to many cases of rickets: children with large heads; open fontanelles and sutures; much sweating about the head, which must be kept warm; distended abdomen; weak ankles; slow in learning to walk. (From Clarke; editor)

29. It is suited to nervous, irritable persons, with dry skin, profuse saliva, diarrhoea, night-sweats. (From Clarke; editor)

30. It is suited to weakly persons, fine skin, pale face, light complexion; lax muscles. (From Clarke; editor)

31. Constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to lack of assimilating power; oversensitive physically and mentally. (From Clarke; editor)

32. Scrofulous children who have worm diseases during dentition. (From Clarke; editor)

33. The action of this remedy on the connective tissues may end in new growth as well as in suppuration and ulceration. It has a specific relation to scarred tissue (cured case of recurrent cheloid). (From Clarke; editor)

34. Sensitiveness. Over-susceptibility to nervous stimuli is a frequent accompaniment of conditions. Tender surface. The least touch is painful. Morbidly keen senses. Brain and spine cannot bear even ordinary vibrations (may be caused by losses of fluids as in spermatorrhoea; by over-worked brain). (From Clarke; editor)

35. Paralysis and paralytic weakness from defective nutrition of nerves of brain and spinal cord (ofter with constipation; epileptic convulsions). Starting from the solar plexus; are < at full and new moon; and < from any overstrain of mind or emotions. (From Clarke; editor)

36. Locomotor ataxy when the fingers feel stiff with loss of power in them. (From Clarke; editor)

37. The neck is stiff causing headache. (From Clarke; editor)

38. The small of the back aches as if beaten. (From Clarke; editor)

39. The part of the body lain on goes to sleep. (From Clarke; editor)

40. Sensitive to noise; and anxiety therefrom. (From Clarke; editor)

41. Sensitive, weeping mood. (From Clarke; editor)

42. Children become obstinate, headstrong; cry when kindly spoken to. (From Clarke; editor)

43. Fixed ideas: the patients thinks only of pins, fears them, searches for them, and counts them carefully. (From Clarke; editor)

44. Epilepsy and sleep walking are < at the new and full moon. (From Clarke; editor)

45. The patient likes to be magnetised (massaged, rubbed or stoked; mesmerized /editor/), and is > by it. This is related to the characteristic persistent want of vital heat; even exercise will not get up any warmth. (From Clarke; editor)

46. Discharge of blood from the vagina every time the child takes the breast. (From Clarke; editor)

47. The nipple is drawn in like a funnel (in cancer cases). (From Clarke; editor)

48. Dryness in her finger-tips, as if made of paper; at night or in afternoon. (From Clarke; editor)

49. Sensation as if she were divided into halves and that the left side does not belong to her. (From Clarke; editor)

50. Ingrowing toenails. (From Clarke; editor)

51. Sensation as if a hair lay on the tongue. (From Dunham; editor)

52. Difficult deglutition; the food passes slowly into the stomach. (From Dunham; editor)

53. Pains and stitches under the great toe-nails. (From Dunham; editor)

54. Profuse sweat of the head, the body being dry, or nearly so. (From Dunham; editor)

55. Disgust for meat and for warm food. (From Dunham; editor)

56. Abdominal pains, relieved by warmth. (From Dunham; editor)

57. Sleeplessness, on account of orgasm of blood. (From Dunham; editor)

58. The cough is provoked by cold drinks. The pains, soreness and weakness of the chest, are relieved by inhaling moist warm air. (From Dunham; editor)

59. Mind: Yielding mind, faint-hearted, anxious mood.

60. Head: Headache rising from the nape of the neck to the vertex (Gels., Sang., Glon.).

61. Head: Headaches are worse from noise, mental exertion, jarring; better binding head tightly (Arg. nit., Puls.) or wrapping the head warmly.

62. Head: The head is wet from sweating; particularly at night; likes wrapping up.

63. Head: Headache rising from nape of neck to vertex, as if coming from the back.

64. Sight and Eyes: Swelling in region of the right lacrimal gland and sac.

65. Sight and Eyes: Ophthalmic troubles with great sensitiveness to cold and a desire to be warmly wrapped, especially about the head.

66. Hearing and Ears: Stoppage of the ears, which open at times with a loud report; difficult hearing of human voice.

67. Mouth and Throat: Sensation of a hair on the forepart of the tongue.

68. Stomach: Water tastes badly; vomits after drinking.

69. Abdomen: Abdomen distended, hard and tense; excessive distension of the abdomen with meteorism (gaseous distension of the stomach or intestine; editor).

70. Abdomen: Hardness and distension of the region of the liver; throbbing, ulcerative pain, increased by contact and motion; formation of abscess.

71. Anus and Stool: Constipation; stool scanty or composed of hard lumps, light colored; expulsion difficult, as from inactivity of the rectum; when partly expelled it slips back again.

72. Female Sexual Organs: Always great costiveness immediately before and during catamenia, also cold feet.

73. Female Sexual Organs: Increased menses, with repeated paroxysms of icy-coldness over whole body.

74. Female Sexual Organs: The mother’s milk is so bad that the child refuses it or vomits it soon after nursing.

75. Respiratory Organs: Cough with expectoration thick, yellow, lumpy, purulent, profuse and greenish.

76. Neck and Back: Stiffness in nape of neck, with headache.

77. Neck and Back: Pain in cervical region extending up to vertex.

78. Extremities: Feet sweat, with rawness between the toes, or a bad odor; also complaints after checking it.

79. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Want of animal heat; always chilly, even when exercising.

80. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Sweat only on head or on head and face.

81. Bones: Inflammation, swelling, caries and necrosis of bones in subjects who lack vital warmth, or are very sensitive to cold.

82. Generalities: Ailments following vaccination, abscesses, etc., even convulsions.

83. Generalities: Small foreign bodies in the skin or larynx.

84. Generalities: Want of vital warmth even when taking exercise.

85. Causes and Modalities: Complaints < during new moon or from uncovering the head.

86. Constitution and Temperament: Scrofulous children, large bellies and weak ankles, and much sweat about the head.

87. Constitution and Temperament: Over-sensitive; imperfectly nourished, not from want of food taken, but from imperfect assimilation.

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