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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Lycopodium Clavatum

1. Depression of mind and sensorium, stupid; lower jaw drops; chronic conditions, memory fails; uses wrong words to express himself; mixes up things; failing brain power.

2. Right-sided complaints, or begins on right and travels leftward; throat, ovaries, uterine region, kidney and skin troubles; hernia. (Right-sided remedy but not exclusively. /From Clarke; editor/)

3. Sense of satiety, or hunger, but soon (the first few mouthfuls) fills up. (Satiety alternates with hunger.)

4. Great flatulence with rumbling, mostly intestinal and pressing downward. (The lower parts of the abdomen are bloated. Rumbling flatulence in the region of the splenic flexure of the colon or left hypochondria.)

5. Lithic acid diathesis; red sand in clear urine; > pains in back or kidneys after passing. (The "brick-dust sediment" is an actual sandy, gritty sediment that settles at the bottom of the otherwise perfectly clear urine.)

6. Dark-complexioned people; emaciated in face and upper parts, bloated or swollen in lower; keen intellectual, but feeble muscular development.

7. Modalities: < 4 to 8 P. M. (The chances are very great that the rest of the case will correspond to this remedy, no matter what the disease may be. The times may not be accurately at these hours, and still this one may be the remedy. < At 4 P.M. or from 4 to 6; and the condition may continue into the night without the 8 P.M. alleviation. From Clarke; editor), after eating, in warm room; > in cool open air, on motion.

8. Irritable; peevish and cross on waking; ugly, kick and scream; easily angered; cannot endure opposition or contradiction; seeks disputes; is beside himself.

9. Complexion: pale, dirty, unhealthy; sallow; looks older than he is.

10. One foot hot and the other cold (right).

11. Great thirst after the sweat.

12. Chill on left side of the body (Caust., Carbo v.).

13. Sour vomiting between chill and heat; must uncover (Lach.).

14. Perspiration immediately after the chill. Thirst after sweating stage.

15. In intermittents, the flatulence, sour eructations, sour taste, sour sweat, sour vomiting.

16. Constipation; frequent and ineffectual desire for stool, seems to be caused by a spasmodic contraction of the anus, which prevents the stool and causes great pain.

17. Anal troubles with chronic liver troubles, especially if with much flatulence.

18. Impotence. An old man marries again and is not "equal to the occasion." Young men from onanism or sexual excess. Penis is small, cold and relaxed. Desire is as strong as ever, but can't perform.

19. Pneumonia. Extreme dyspnoea, the cough sounds as if the entire parenchyma of the lung were softened; raising whole mouthfuls of mucus without relief; shortness of breath; fan-like motion of the wings of the nose. In later stage when the patient still coughs and expectorates much thick, yellow, purulent or greyish-yellow, purulent (sometimes foetid) matter, tasting salty, with much rattling in the chest.

20. The liver troubles of this remedy are more apt to be of the atrophic variety.

21. Bilious (pertaining to bile, or disorders arising from an excess of bile), swarthy (dark-complexioned), yellowish appearance.

22. > From uncovering. This is general, but it applies to sufferings in the head more particularly. (The headache is distinctly > by taking off the hat or other covering.) (From Clarke; editor)

23. > From loosening the garments. (From Clarke; editor)

24. > From warm drinks; < from cold food and drink. This does not refer to gastric complaints alone, but to headache, sore throat, and any other condition. (From Clarke; editor)

25. Fan-like movement of alae nasi occurring in cerebral, pulmonary, and abdominal complaints. The movements are usually rapid, never slow, and are not synchronous with the breathing. (From Clarke; editor)

26. Half-open condition of the eyes during sleep. (From Clarke; editor)

27. Suddenness; sudden flashes of heat, lightning-like pains; sudden satiety. Pains and symptoms come and go suddenly, as with Bell. (From Clarke; editor)

28. Sensation as if a hand were in the body clutching the entrails (also as with Bell.). (From Clarke; editor)

29. Restlessness > by motion. (From Clarke; edition)

30. Right foot hot, left foot cold. (From Clarke; editor)

31. Burning pains > by heat; burning like hot coals between scapulae. Burning stinging in breasts. (From Clarke; editor)

32. Dryness of parts: of mucous membranes; of vagina; of skin, especially palms. (From Clarke; editor)

33. Fear: of being alone; of men; of his own shadow. Apprehensiveness: susceptible to natural causes of fear which make a profound impression on bodily organs, as the liver; mental states resulting from fear. Profound sadness and inclination to weep. Peevish. Forgetful. Avaricious. Imperiousness. A remedy for misers. (From Clarke; editor)

34. Sciatica (especially in case of right-side): cannot bear to lie on painful side it is so sensitive. (From Clarke; editor)

35. The flatulence presses on rectum and bladder. (From Clarke; editor)

36. The catamenia are too early and too profuse. Extreme sadness and irritability before, ceasing with the flow. (From Clarke; editor)

37. Dry teasing cough in emaciated boys. The cough is provoked by: irritation from deep breathing; stretching out throat; and by empty swallowing. (From Clarke; editor)

38. Excessive sensitiveness: Cannot bear any strong smells. Cannot endure noise. Sensitiveness to sound. In the evening she continues to hear the music she has heard during the day. (From Clarke; editor)

39. After eating only a very small quantity, a sudden feeling of satiety and even of fullness in the epigastrium, with flatulent rumbling in the bowels. (From Dunham; editor)

40. Production of flatus in the intestines. (From Dunham; editor)

41. Head: Throbbing headache after every paroxysm of coughing.

42. Head: Vertigo in the morning when rising and after, so that she reels back and forth.

43. Head: Shuddering as if from a shock in both temples and chest (when coughing).

44. Sight and Eyes: Sees only the left half of an object distinctly.

45. Sight and Eyes: Evening light blinds him very much; can see nothing on the table.

46. Hearing and Ears: Purulent, ichorous otorrhoea, with impaired hearing, after scarlatina.

47. Nose: Nose stopped up, especially at night, cannot breathe through it; excessive dryness (chronic).

48. Nose: Fan-like motion of alae-nasi.

49. Mouth and Throat: Heavy trembling of the tongue, with falling of the lower jaw (in typhoid states).

50. Mouth and Throat: Spasmodic darting of the tongue out of the mouth (in typhoid states).

51. Mouth and Throat: Protruding of the tongue with a silly expression (in diphtheria).

52. Mouth and Throat: Ulcers and vesicles on and under the tongue.

53. Mouth and Throat: Sore throat beginning on right side and spreading to left, or beginning in nose and going down.

54. Mouth and Throat: Tongue oscillating from side to side like a pendulum.

55. Stomach: Hungry, but soon satisfied, soon filled up, with bloating in abdomen and rumbling.

56. Abdomen: Excessive fullness and distension of the abdomen from flatulence; the flatus collects here and there, in abdomen, hypochondria, back, in region of chest and ribs, causing tension and bubbling, incarcerated, > by eructations or passing wind; continuous rumbling and rolling.

57. Urinary Organs: Red sand in the clear, colorless urine.

58. Urinary Organs: Severe pain or backache, > by passing urine.

59. Urinary Organs: Stitches in the neck of the bladder and anus at the same time.

60. Urinary Organs: Painful urination; child cries before urine starts.

61. Male Sexual Organs: Impotence; penis small, cold, relaxed, with or without desire.

62. Female Sexual Organs: Cutting pains from right to left in the ovarian regions.

63. Respiratory Organs: Cough with salty expectoration, < 4 to 8 P. M.

64. Neck and Back: Severe backache relieved by passing urine.

65. Neck and Back: Red, sandy sediment in the urine, after backache.

66. Neck and Back: Burning as from hot coals between the scapulae, < in summer.

67. Extremities: Swelling and pain in soles of feet when walking.

68. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Sour vomiting between chill and heat.

69. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Old broken down cases of malaria; chill; greasy sweat.

70. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Febrile attacks during tuberculosis increased from 4 to 8 P. M.

71. Bones: Bone pains at night; bones inflamed, mostly the ends.

72. Generalities: Affections going from right to left; throat, chest, abdomen, liver, ovaries.

73. Causes and Modalities: All symptoms < from 4 to 8 P. M.

74. Constitution and Temperament: Persons of keen intellect, but feeble muscular development; upper part of body wasted, lower part semi-dropsical.

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