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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Nux Vomica

1. For very particular, careful, zealous persons, inclined to get excited or angry, spiteful, malicious disposition, mental workers or those having sedentary occupations.

2. Over-sensitiveness, easily offended; very little noise frightens, cannot bear the least even suitable medicine; faints easily from odors, etc. (Cannot bear even the least suitable medicine. From Hering; editor) (Oversensitive to medicines. From Kent; editor)

3. Twitchings, spasms, convulsions, < slightest touch.

4. Chilliness, even during high fever; least uncovering brings on chilliness. Very red face.

5. Persons addicted to stimulants, narcotics, patent medicines, nostrums, debauchees, etc.

6. Frequent and ineffectual desire for stool or passes little at a time, > after stool.

7. Modalities: < uncovering, mental work, after eating, cold air, dry weather, stimulants, 9 A. M.; > wet weather, warm room, on covering, after stool.

8. Spasm (from simple twitchings to the clonic form); sensitiveness, nervous and chilliness are three general characteristics of this remedy.

9. Anxiety with irritability and inclination to commit suicide, but is afraid to die.

10. Sleepy in the evening, hours before bedtime; lies awake for an hour or two, at 3 or 4 A. M., then wants to sleep late in morning.

11. Awakens tired and weak and generally worse, with many complaints.

12. Stomach: Pressure an hour or two after eating as from a stone (immediately after, Kali bi., Nux m.).

13. Convulsions with consciousness (Strych.); < anger, emotion, touch, moving, alternate constipation and diarrhoea (Ant. crud.).

14. Menses: Too early, profuse and lasting too long, with aggravation of all other complaints during their continuance.

15. It acts best when given at night, during repose of mind and body; Sulph. in the morning.

16. After aromatics in food or as medicine, particularly ginger, pepper, etc., and after almost any kind of so-called 'hot' medicines (Goullon).

17. It will also benefit persons who have been drugged by mixtures, bitters, herbs and so-called vegetable pills, etc. — (B.)

18. Hypochondriasis, with studious men, sitting too much at home, with abdominal complaints and costiveness.

19. Aggravation of stomach symptoms an hour or two after eating, instead of immediately after.

20. The symptoms are worse in the morning; they are made worse by motion and by exertion, and by exposure to cool air, being ameliorated by repose and by warmth. In all these respects it is the opposite of Pulsatilla. (From Dunham; editor).

21. The symptoms are aggravated by mental exertion or by sedentary habits. (From Dunham; editor)

22. After a stool it seemed as if some remained behind and could not be evacuated, with a sensation of constriction in rectum, not in anus. (From Clarke; editor)

23. Menses too early and profuse, flow dark; faints easily; irregular, cease flowing at night-time. The pains are cramping and cause nausea and fainting; twisting, moving about in abdomen; soreness across pubes; cramps in bladder. (From Clarke; editor)

24. Labour pains are violent and = fainting. (From Clarke; editor)

25. Desire is excited in both sexes, and here again the sensitiveness of this remedy is observed ─ the slightest provocation suffices to excite the sexual passion. (From Clarke; editor)

26. Sour breath is a very leading indication for this remedy. (From Clarke; editor)

27. Mind: Ailments after continual mental labor.

28. Mind: Hypochondriasis with studious men; sitting too much at home; with abdominal complaints and constipation.

29. Mind: Over-sensitiveness, every harmless word offends, every little noise frightens, anxious and beside themselves; they cannot bear the least, even suitable, medicine. (Cannot bear even the least suitable medicine. From Hering; editor) (Oversensitive to medicines. From Kent; editor)

30. Head: Head symptoms worse in the morning, from mental exertion; exercising in the open air; after eating or from wine or coffee; better in warm room and from sitting quietly or lying down.

31. Sight and Eyes: Painless injection of the whites of the eye (ecchymosis).

32. Nose: Nose running through the day, at night stopped up.

33. Mouth and Throat: Small aphthous ulcers in the mouth with putrid smell; bloody saliva at night; gums scorbutic; coagulated blood is spit out.

34. Mouth and Throat: Throat sore, as if scraped, worse when swallowing and when inhaling cold air.

35. Stomach: Generally worse after eating; the pains in the stomach coming two or three hours after eating.

36. Stomach: After aromatics in food, or as medicine, especially ginger, pepper etc., and after almost any of the so-called hot medicines.

37. Stomach: Will generally benefit persons who have been drugged by mixtures, bitters, herbs, and so-called vegetable pills, etc.

38. Abdomen: Flatulent distension of abdomen after eating.

39. Abdomen: Sensation of weakness in the inguinal region, as if a hernia would occur; or pain as if a hernia would become incarcerated.

40. Anus and Stool: Frequent, small, slimy, or bloody stools, with pain low down in the back and urging or tenesmus, > immediately after the stool.

41. Anus and Stool: Frequent and ineffectual desire to defecate, or passing small quantities of faeces at each attempt.

42. Urinary Organs: Painful ineffectual urging to urinate, urine passes in drops, with burning and tearing in the urethra and neck of the bladder (sedentary people especially).

43. Female Sexual Organs: Labor pains attended with ineffectual desire to stool or urine.

44. Female Sexual Organs: Catamenia before the time, and rather too copious, or keeping on too long, with complaints at the onset and remaining after it is over.

45. Respiratory Organs: Hard dry cough, with great soreness in the abdomen, or a bruised pain in the epigastrium.

46. Neck and Back: Labor-like pains in back with urging to stool.

47. Neck and Back: Backache < on turning the body. Must sit up to turn over in bed.

48. Sleep and Dreams: Cannot keep from falling asleep in the evening, while sitting, hours before bed time.

49. Sleep and Dreams: Awake at 3 A. M. with a rush of thoughts and is awake for hours; falls asleep with the bright morning, with troubled dreams, and gets up more tired than in the evening.

50. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Great heat; whole body burning hot, yet must be covered up, as the least uncovering or motion makes him chilly.

51. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Sweat with chilliness on least uncovering.

52. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Great chilliness and coldness, with blue nails, decreased neither by warmth of stove nor covering, mostly in A. M.

53. Generalities: Oversensitiveness to external impressions, cannot tolerate noise, talking, music, strong odors, bright light.

54. Causes and Modalities: After aromatics in food, or as medicines, particularly ginger, pepper, etc., and after many of the so-called "hot medicines."

55. Causes and Modalities: Complaints from the open air; longing to sit or lie down; ill-humored and resisting obstinately the wishes of others.

56. Causes and Modalities: Feels the worst in the morning soon after awaking, also after mental exertion, and after eating.

57. Constitution and Temperament: Fiery, excited temperament, thin, irritable, choleric persons, with dark hair, and those who have made prolonged mental exertions, or those of sedentary habits.

58. Constitution and Temperament: Debauchers who are thin and irritable.

59. Constitution and Temperament: With very particular, careful, zealous persons inclined to get excited and angry, or of a spiteful, malicious disposition.

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