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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of China Officinalis

1. Debility and other complaints after excessive loss of fluids, blood-letting, etc.

2. Haemorrhages profuse, with faintness, loss of sight and ringing in the ears.

3. Great flatulence, with sensation as if the abdomen were packed full; not > by eructation or passing flatus. (The whole abdomen is bloated.)

4. Painless diarrhoea (yellow, watery, brownish, undigested).

5. Periodical affections, especially every other day.

6. Excessive sensitiveness, especially to light, touch, draft of air; hard pressure relieves.

7. Modalities: < from slight touch, least draft of air, every other day. > by hard pressure on painful part.

8. Dropsy following excessive loss of fluids; great debility, trembling, aversion to exercise; nervous; sensitive to touch, to pain, to drafts of air; unrefreshing sleep after 3 A. M.

9. Face pale, hippocratic (indicative of rapid approach of death; nose pinched; temples hollow; eyes sunken; ears leaden and cold; lips relaxed; skin pale; editor); eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins; pale, sickly expression, as after excesses.

10. Haemorrhages; from all outlets (Crotalus, Sulphuric acid, Ferrum). Blood dark, or dark and clotted, with ringing in the ears, loss of sight, general coldness and sometimes convulsions (Fer. phos.).

11. General shaking chill over whole body.

12. Sweat, with great thirst; sweating during sleep, on being covered.

13. Debility from a slow and long-continued drain; pale, sallow face, sunken eyes with dark rings around, throbbing headaches, night sweats, and sweats easily on least motion or labor.

14. Tendency to diarrhoea, especially from eating fruit.

15. Lightest touch will increase to an extreme degree the pains of the diseased part, hard pressure relieves.

16. It has loss of appetite, but canine hunger is more characteristic.

17. The stools are also accompanied with large discharge of flatulence.

18. The liver troubles of this remedy are more apt to be of the hypertrophic variety.

19. Short-lasting, sanguineous congestions (primary effect), and later, discoloration of tissues. (From Clarke; editor)

20. Fulness of veins. (From Clarke; editor)

21. Torpor of all functions. (From Clarke; editor)

22. Dryness of mucous membranes. (From Clarke; editor)

23. Mucous or purulent discharges. (From Clarke; editor)

24. Engorgement of the glands which are immediately connected with the circulatory apparatus, as spleen and liver. (From Clarke; editor)

25. Inertia of involuntary muscles (bowels, uterus). (From Clarke; editor)

26. Passive haemorrhages. (From Clarke; editor)

27. Oedema, atonic ulcers, &c. (From Clarke; editor)

28. More or less obstinate nervous disorders, from derangement of sympathetic rather than the cerebro-spinal axis. (From Clarke; editor)

29. Hectic fever. (From Clarke; editor) (A term often used to describe the constant fever of tuberculosis; an afternoon rise of temperature, accompanied by a flush on the cheeks, occurring in active tuberculosis. Of, relating to, or having an undulating fever, as in diseases such as tuberculosis or septicemia.; editor)

30. Breathing: Asthma; wheezing; suffocative catarrh and paralysis of lungs in old people. Respiration laboured, loud and stertorous, with puffing, blowing out of cheeks on each expiration. (From Clarke; editor)

31. The rheumatism of this remedy is characterised by soft swelling, pale red, very tender to touch. (From Clarke; editor)

32. Mind: Full of plans, projects and schemes, especially in the evening and night.

33. Head: Scalp sensitive to touch; roots of hair hurt, when hair is moved.

34. Head: Intense throbbing of head from loss of blood or other animal fluid.

35. Head: Heaviness and loss of sight; fainting and ringing in the ears.

36. Head: Headache relieved by moving the head up and down.

37. General Face: Face pale, sunken, pinched, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins.

38. General Face: Periodical prosopalgia, pains excessive; skin sensitive to touch, mostly in infra-orbital and maxillary branches.

39. Hearing and Ears: Ringing in the ears from debility or loss of fluids.

40. Nose: Epistaxis with anaemic state; singing and ringing in the ears; great paleness of face and fainting.

41. Mouth and Throat: Salivation (years after having taken Mercury) uninterrupted day and night; with great weakness, particularly of stomach.

42. Stomach: Fullness in stomach and bowels; flatulence; belching does not relieve.

43. Stomach: Voracious appetite; or none, with feeling of satiety all the time.

44. Stomach: Slow digestion; food remains a long time in stomach.

45. Stomach: After eating fruit, undigested stools, sometimes involuntary.

46. Stomach: Stomach troubles after loss of animal fluids.

47. Abdomen: Uncomfortable distension of the abdomen, with a wish to belch up, or sensation as though the abdomen were packed full; not in the least > by eructations.

48. Anus and Stool: Diarrhoea < at night; stools of undigested food.

49. Anus and Stool: Diarrhoea from change of water.

50. Anus and Stool: Yellow, watery, undigested, painless stools.

51. Male Sexual Organs: Onanism and consequences of excessive seminal losses.

52. Female Sexual Organs: Haemorrhage after labor, with great exhaustion from loss of blood; fainting, loss of sight and ringing in the ears.

53. Respiratory Organs: Cough with a greenish expectoration during the day or in the evening; not at night nor in the morning.

54. Heart and Pulse: Nervous palpitation after great loss of fluids.

55. Extremities: Pains in limbs worse from slightest touch, and then increasing gradually.

56. Extremities: Sensation as if garters were too tight, and leg would become stiff and go to sleep.

57. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Weakening night sweats until morning.

58. Chill, Fever and Sweat: On being covered he sweats profusely all over; yet is so sleepy he cannot get up.

59. Skin: Yellow color of skin, jaundice.

60. Skin: Excessive, almost painful sensitiveness of the skin of the whole body, even of the palms of the hands.

61. Generalities: Profuse hemorrhage with faintness, loss of sight and ringing in the ears, and bad effects following loss of blood.

62. Generalities: Debility and other complaints after loss of blood and other fluids, particularly by nursing, salivation, bleeding, cupping, etc., or the whites, night sweats, seminal emissions.

63. Generalities: Great debility; sensitiveness of the nervous system; special senses too acute; very sensitive to pain; light touch and drafts of air.

64. Causes and Modalities: Pains renewed by slightest touch, and afterwards increased to a great height.

65. Causes and Modalities: Complaints from loss of blood or other vital fluids.

66. Causes and Modalities: Complaints < periodically, especially every other day.

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