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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Antimonium Crudum

1. Thick, milky white coating on tongue (in many complaints).

2. Derangements from overloading the stomach, especially fat food; nausea.

3. Crushed finger-nails: grow in splits like warts and with horny spots.

4. Corns and callosities on soles, with excessive tenderness; can only walk with pain and suffering.

5. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea (oftenest found) in old people, especially with the characteristic tongue.

6. Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at, fretful, cross.

7. Feverish conditions at night.

8. Headache; after river bathing; from taking cold; alcoholic drinks; deranged digestion; acids, fat, fruit; suppressed eruptions.

9. Diarrhoea may often follow dietetic errors, especially during the heat of the summer season, and then the stools are peculiar in that they are partly solid and partly fluid.

10. The greatest sadness and woeful mood with intermittent fever.

11. Sentimental mood in moonlight, ecstatic love.

12. Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils, and corners of the mouth.

13. Horny excrescences anywhere on the skin.

14. The cough is worse, and, like Bryonia, is worse on coming into a warm room from cold air.

15. Cold bathing aggravates or causes trouble.

16. Copious haemorrhage from the bowels, mixed with solid faeces.

17. Toothache in decayed teeth, worse at night.

18. Mucus; from anus, ichorous, oozing, staining yellow; mucous piles.

19. Cannot bear heat of sun; < from exertion in sun; exhausted in warm weather.

20. < by heat is a marked characteristic (Apis, Puls., Cham., Secale, Camph.); also < from cold washing (less severe after warm washing), from cold water and cold food. (From Clarke; editor)

21. Tendency to rough scaling skin with horny patches. Analagous to these horny excrescences are warts. (From Clarke; editor)

22. Mind: Sentimental mood in the moonlight, particularly estatic love.

23. Mind: The child cannot bear to be touched or looked at; cross.

24. Mind: The greatest sadness and woeful mood, with intermittent fever.

25. General Face: Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils, and corners of the mouth.

26. General Face: Suppurating and long-lasting eruptions on cheeks.

27. Sight and Eyes: Redness and inflammation of the lids, itching in canthi, chronic blepharitis of cross children.

28. Nose: Sore, cracked, crusty nostrils; corners of the mouth cracked.

29. Mouth and Throat: Tongue coated thick, milky white.

30. Mouth and Throat: Decayed teeth ache generally, < at night; cannot bear to be touched by the tongue.

31. Stomach: Gastric derangement with tongue coated thickly white, accompanying different complaints, such as eruptive fevers, rheumatism, gout, hydrocephalus, etc.

32. Anus and Stool: Alternate diarrhoea and constipation in old people.

33. Anus and Stool: Stools often liquid, containing portions of sold matter (sometimes involuntary in old people).

34. Anus and Stool: Hard and loose stools, with nausea.

35. Anus and Stool: Much mucous secretion from the anus staining the linen, with burning, tingling, and itching.

36. Female Sexual Organs: Tenderness over the ovarian region, with nausea, vomiting and white tongue.

37. Respiratory Organs: Cough in the heat of the sun, also from coming from cold into warm air.

38. Respiratory Organs: Looking into the fire increases the cough.

39. Respiratory Organs: The irritation to cough is felt in the abdomen.

40. Extremities: Crushed finger-nails grow in splits; and like warts, and with horny spots.

41. Extremities: Corns and callosities in the soles of the feet; very sensitive; can’t walk.

42. Extremities: Great sensitiveness of soles when walking.

43. Extremities: Great sensitiveness of soles of feet when walking.

44. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Intermittent fever with sadness and woeful mood.

45. Causes and Modalities: Complaints after bathing, especially in cold water.

46. Causes and Modalities: In warm weather nausea, exhaustion, diarrhoea; overheating, sun heat, fire heat.

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