1. Dry or coated tongue with a triangular red tip.
2. Great restlessness, cannot lie long in one position, changes often with temporary relief, tosses about continually.
3. Lameness and stiffness on beginning to move after rest; on getting up in the A. M. > by continued motion.
4. Erysipelas or scarlatina with vesicular eruption and characteristic restlessness.
5. All diseases that put on the typhoid form with the characteristic, triangular red-tip tongue and restlessness.
6. Stupor and mild, persistent delirium; continually tossing about, with laborious dreams.
7. Modalities: < when quietly sitting or lying and on beginning to move; wet, cold weather; lifting or straining; getting wet when perspiring. > by continued motion, by warmth, dry air or weather; lying on hard floor (backache).
8. Muscular rheumatism, sciatica, left side (Col.); aching in left arm, with heart disease.
9. Great sensitiveness to open air; putting the hand from under the bed cover brings on the cough (Bar., Hep.).
10. Back; pain between the shoulders on swallowing.
11. Cough during chill; dry, teasing, fatiguing, but urticaria over body during heat.