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Characteristic and Peculiar Symptoms of Mercurius Vivus

1. General Face: Pimples, especially on face, with a bluish-red halo, without itching.

2. Nose: Coryza fluent, corrosive, with much swelling, lacrimation, chilliness, sore throat and pains in the bones; epidemic forms, or common colds.

3. Mouth and Throat: Tongue swollen, flabby, showing imprint of teeth on margins, with offensive smell from the mouth.

4. Mouth and Throat: Moist tongue with intense thirst.

5. Mouth and Throat: Gums painful to touch, swollen, receding from the teeth; whitish edges, bleeding; fetid odor from the mouth.

6. Mouth and Throat: Painful dryness of throat with salivation, when tonsils threaten to suppurate; sharp sticking pains when swallowing.

7. Abdomen: Worse from lying on the right side, particularly the pain in the region of the liver, or bruised feeling of the intestines.

8. Female Sexual Organs: Intense itching on genitals, which is made worse by presence of urine remaining in the parts; after urinating it has to be washed off.

9. Female Sexual Organs: During every menstrual period anxiety, red tongue, with dark spots and burning, salty taste in the mouth, sickly color of the gums, teeth set on edge.

10. Respiratory Organs: Stitching pain through the right lower lung to back when coughing, sweats without relief.

11. Extremities: Drawing and tearing in all of the limbs; worse at night in warm bed, with profuse sweat, which gives no relief.

12. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Cold, clammy night sweats driving out of bed.

13. Chill, Fever and Sweat: Complaints increase during sweat.

14. Skin: Itching all over, worse at night when warm in bed.

15. Skin: Burning pains in exostosis at night.

16. Skin: Flat, painless ulcers, pale, covered with a phlegm-like pus on scalp, the skin of penis, etc.

17. Skin: Round spots of a coppery red color, shining through the skin.

18. Skin: Round ulcers of an impure, lardaceous surface, with inflamed, elevated and turned up edges, with pricking pains.

19. Bones: Bone pains < at night; boring pains in exostoses.

20. Causes and Modalities: Most complaints < in the evening or at night; from heat of bed and during perspiration.

21. Causes and Modalities: Complaints increase during sweat.

22. Constitution and Temperament: The leading anti-syphilitic.

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