1. Most persistent and terrible tenesmus before, during and after stool; stool scanty, mucus tinged with blood.
2. Tenesmus of the bladder (with intense burning in urethra and discharge of mucus and blood with the urine or after it and rectum at the same time; from Clarke; editor); urine passed in drops with much pain.
3. Throat intensely inflamed, swollen, burning, with swollen gums, which bleed easily.
4. For gonorrhoea, in the second stage, when the greenish discharge has set in and the burning and tenesmus continues.
5. In syphilitic eye affections (scrofulous no less than syphilitic ophthalmias with these characters): the inflammatory symptoms are of the most violent character. Burning, agonising pains with excessive photophobia causing excoriation of cheeks. Tearing pains in bones and around eyes. (From Clarke; editor)
6. The gullet is very markedly affected. Constriction is a leading note of the remedy. Any attempt to swallow (solid or liquid) causes violent spasm and immediate ejection. (From Clarke; editor)
7. Sight and Eyes: Excessive photophobia and lacrimation; the discharges are acrid; excoriating the lids and cheeks; pains very severe, especially at night.
8. Anus and Stool: Constant tenesmus and urging to stool, pain before, during, and after stool.
9. Urinary Organs: Urine scanty, bloody; albuminous, containing filaments; flocks or dark flesh-like pieces of mucous.
10. Urinary Organs: Great tenesmus of rectum and bladder at the same time.