1. Tongue coated thickly yellow at the base; tip and edges red or pale; takes the imprint of the teeth.
2. Swelling of the throat; begins on the right side (diphtheria) (left, Lachesis).
3. Genuine Hunterian chancre (1,000th clinical).
4. Cervical and parotid glands enormously swollen. (From Clarke; editor)
5. There are many pains in the eyes and orbits. (From Clarke; editor)
6. Concomitant symptoms: pain in heart with pain in abdomen. (From Clarke; editor)
7. The teeth feel too long, < by closing the jaws. There is also irresistible desire to clench teeth, and the jaw is stiff and muscles tired from clenching teeth in sleep. (From Clarke; editor)
8. Modalities: < touch and pressure; at night; before 1 a.m., or after dinner until 4 P.M. (From Lippe; editor); on waking; rest; passive motion (from Lippe; editor) lying on left side (many symptoms); writing (arm pain); at church (faint feeling); warm room; warmth of bed; in spring. > Lying on right side (tired feeling in all limbs); headache > when mind and body actively engaged. > from active motion; while exercising (from Lippe; editor). Very sensitive to cold and damp weather. (From Clarke; editor)
9. Complaints are nearly all worse on the right side of the body. When in sore throats the inflammation and pain predominantly affect the right side, and there is a tendency to remain on the right side, or if the Merc. state is present and the sore throat goes from right to left. (From Kent; editor)
10. Effects of draughts whilst perspiring.
11. It is suited to scrofulous and syphilitic patients; to mucous surfaces covered with squamous epithelium (more info about squamous epithelium)
12. Concomitant symtoms: head pain following immediately a heart pain. (From Clarke; editor)
13. Concomitant symptoms: pain in right forearm and left hip simultaneously. (From Clarke; editor)
14. Sight and Eyes: Superficial ulceration of the cornea and other especially scrofulous affections of the eyes, accompanied by thick yellow coating on base of the tongue.
15. Mouth and Throat: Base of tongue covered with a thick, dirty yellow coat.
16. Male Sexual Organs: Hunterian (hard) chancre. (Secondary symptoms rarely follow if given in the 1000th potency).
17. Empty deglutition; is painful. Desire to swallow ; sense as of a lump in the throat. (From Dunham; editor)
18. Posterior wall of the pharynx red and irritated, and dotted with patches of mucus and spots which look ulcerated. (From Dunham; editor)
19. Patches on the tonsils and soft palate, easily detached. Worse on the right side. Great thirst. (From Dunham; editor)